May 4, 2015

It Yourself Framework Do

As the saying goes, one picture tells more than 1000 words. Maybe that's why there are these comprehensive frameworks that offer nice pictures that you can click and get even more information. There's one in SAFe. And another one in LeSS. And of course DAD has one too. After checking all these others I was actually a little disappointed that Pragmatic Marketing framework does NOT open up the same way. (Improvement suggestion?)

Since many of these frameworks are copyrighted and no modifications are allowed I'm not going to propose anything like that. But, if you have internal processes or any other information that is dispersed in multiple locations and you would like to visualize them in a similar way with these frameworks I'm going to teach you how to make a poor/lazy man's version of the same. You will need the following tools:
  • PowerPoint
  • Some picture 
  • Documents located at some internal/external URLs
Because today is #StarwarsDay (#MayThe4thBeWithYou), let's use something related as an example.

First, create a new presentation and add your favorite to-be-framework-background picture to the slide.

Then add the first hyperlink location. If you want to use really fancy shapes, be my guest, but I'd recommend simple ovals and squares.

Draw the shape on top of your background image. Then modify both Shape Fill and Shape Outline to be invisible (No Fill, No Outline).

After this you simply add an Action to the shape that opens the specific URL. I recommend also using the highlighting to more easily spot the actionable area.


Because I had nothing special in my mind I just used Google to find out what can be found with 'Yoda's Eye'. Turns out there is a metal band with this name. After inserting this link and starting my ppt-presentation the result is the following:

The same step for all your relevant links you repeat and a really actionable internal framework get you will! May the force be with you!

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