Mar 7, 2014

Agile and Military Methods

"What? Dude, your out of your mind! Agile methods emphasize individuals and are cool. Military stuff is all about hierarchy, command and control. Yuck!"

Well, that's one view and I don't really argue about the hierarchy and C&C. But I do find a lot of similarities also. If you need to lead people in battle, the level of trust between you and your team needs to be high. You need to show example and as a leader you go always in first. Would be nice to see the other people following. Your people need to trust you and you need to trust your people. I believe that's a characteristic of efficient Agile teams also. Although in an ideal Agile team everyone is a leader.

And really army and the command and control part is not so black and white. Setting goals instead of giving specific instructions works best in both worlds. In software development requirements change and the only reasonable thing to do is to embrace this change. In his book Management 3.0 Jurgen Appelo summarises agility as
"Staying successful in ever-changing environments." 
In the heat of battle it is probably also safer bet to adapt to the current situation than to follow a predefined plan. US Marines and special forces like Navy SEALs operate with small yet effective teams with no centralized control.

The final example is maybe a bit more far fetched, but maybe just for amusement. If you are familiar with close-order drill, you know that it is a training where certain action is trained repeatedly. After each command the trainer will give feedback about the execution. Now my boldest comparison is between these drills and Sprints/Releases. After Sprint, there is a Review where the results are inspected and the team should get feedback. Improving the actions of the team happens in Retrospective. Iteratively the team improves its execution. Only in this case the whole team acts as the trainer (Scrum Master can catalyze the process).

And finally, practice and discipline are the basic requirements in both. Real professionals keep their heads cool and write those tests before making changes! Regarding discipline, I think the people in software development should take inspiration from the world of military. Lack of discipline in implementation seems to be a common stumbling block for many Agile adoptions. I think the pragmatic programmers and Clean Code movement have understood the significance of practice. Mastery doesn't just appear. It is earned through practice.

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