Nov 20, 2013

Planning Releases

I believe I was just getting the hang of this Scrum thing and I thought I could do some decent Scrum Mastering. But now the things have changed slightly and I need to jump "over the fence". For a bit over a month I've been working as a Product Owner and a Release Train Engineer. I can see that it's actually a lot easier to identify missing Product Owner as an impediment than to actually be the Product Owner and try to live up to the requirements of the role. There just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the week to constantly keep the Backlog in order and think about all the details. But maybe that's exactly the point. No-one is able to know everything in the complex world of software development and that's why letting go and giving the team the space they need comes rather naturally.

But then something about planning Releases. In Scrum everything happens around the Scrum team. Team forecasts what they can achieve during a Sprint and that's it. Achieved velocity, "yesterday's weather", helps to forecast what can be expected in a longer run if the backlog has been refined into a decent degree. But there's usually no mentions about what to do when you have multiple teams, multiple products, a bit of legacy and all in all a more complex situation than just complex.

I think Scaled Agile Framework offers nice way to see this from a higher level. Scaling to the level beyond teams and Sprints, I see Releases as a good logical logical next step. Also it seems like a good idea to set some higher level goals (or Objectives) that can be then divided into Stories when the actual work starts. Of course there will be some uncertainty associated with these goals, but I think they should be treated more as commitments than just some initial guesses that will be reformulated right after the first Sprint. Still, I don't support big upfront planning or waterfall. I just think that a bigger enterprise can't live without ability to plan ahead for longer than just two weeks.

Anyway, the actual planning of the Release is a complex task on its own. As the Release Train Engineer I wanted to arrange a so called Pre-Planning where all the teams share their initial plans and everyone gets some indication about what is to be expected. Then there will be time to work the plans out until everyone (or at least most of people) are happy with them. Then we can have can simply agree that this is the plan that we try to implement. And if it needs to be amended along the way, so be it. But the train will take off and only the future will show what's going to happen. ;)

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