On the next level, the coder understands that the piece of code s/he's writing is a piece of a larger system. This system exists for some purpose, but the purpose isn't necessarily clear for the person. But generally s/he understands the system is important for the company and probably generates financial benefits (i.e. is sold).
Reaching the next level is already quite challenging. At this point the developer starts to think about the customers' business. How do the customers make their money? (...that can be then invested. Maybe in software. Maybe even on the solution you are developing...) And when you understand how the customers make money, you understand their priorities and needs. What is important for them and critical for their business.
There might be intermediate levels between the ones I mentioned, but I think this covers the basic steps. I'd encourage all developers to try to advance on these steps. The higher you are, the better you can fill your customers' needs and thus the more valuable you become. I'm not saying that code writing is easy. I'm simply saying that being able to write code AND understand the business is a tad harder and rare. Development on this path starts from understanding the user.
(Sometimes the decision maker for software purchase is not the same as the user. Users might be only influencers in a complex network. But let's leave this out of scope for now. )